All of Me

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Getting Ready

  I have so enjoyed preparing for school with Jackson and Alexis!  I am so excited about the curriculum we will be using, and the fun that I am sure is soon to come for me and my kids!! I am really enjoying relearning some things.  It is amazing how much you forget about history, science, geography, etc... in  20 years that have passed since I was in  elementary school! ; )

  We have decided to use a curriculum called "Five in a Row" for Jackson and "Before Five in a Row"  for Alexis!  Five in Row is basically unit studies based on children's literature!  We will be lapbooking and doing a lot of fun hands on learning activities to go along with this curriculum. Jackson will also be using separate math ( Math u See), reading (All About Reading)  and spelling ( All About Spelling) curriculums that are not covered in the Five in a Row curriculum! 
"Five in a Row"

The rest of our curriculum

Our box of goodies to use with our "Five in a Row" activities!

  The first book we will be covering with Jackson is called "The story about Ping", and for Alexis we will using " Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?"

Our books for the week... maybe longer. ; )

I will try to update as we go.  I would love to be able to post once a week, but we will just have to wait and see what time allows! : )

Beginning our Homeschool Adventure

  I am so excited to begin a new and exciting adventure with my kiddos this coming week!!  We are going to begin homeschooling!  Derick and I have been praying for probably the last 8-9 months about whether this was what the Lord has for our family, and I can now say with confidence that IT IS!!  I am incredibly nervous, and feel very unable ON MY OWN to handle this huge responsibility, but I do know that WITH GOD, all things are possible!  Thus the name of the blog...." All of Me".  I want to do my best to give JESUS all of me. I know that if I strive to give my life, my will, my thoughts, my everything over to Christ, that He will enable me to give the best of myself to my family. When I start to think of it like that, I begin to get very excited and hopeful, that I can do this, WITH  HIM!!  Please pray for us as we begin our journey!  I know that there will be many adjustments and hurdles we will have to cross.  Please pray that I will remain focused on Jesus  and that I will be able to show Him to my kids in every situation!
   I am starting this blog, so that our family and friends can see what our kids have been learning, and also to keep me accountable with my planning, picture taking, etc...   Can't wait to share my precious kiddos with you all through this blog!!