All of Me

Saturday, October 6, 2012

"How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World"

This book by Marjorie Priceman, is basically the story of a little girl that travels the world to gather all of the ingredients for her apple pie.  She visits Italy, France, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, England, and Vermont to get apples, cinnamon, milk( but ends up bringing the whole cow back with her for freshest milk possible), eggs (she brings the whole chicken as well), sea salt, and semolina wheat (to make flour).  It was a super fun 2 weeks studying this book, packed full of apple projects, geography, science experiments, and lots of fun activities.   Unfortunately I didn't get as many pictures as I had hoped, but here are the ones I did get.  These are pictures mostly of the fun extras that we did during our study!

For one of our fun extra crafts.  We made apple cores out of paper plates, paint, and markers.  I found this idea on Pinterest.  I thought they turned out really cute!

 Alexis working on her apple core!
 Painting the leaves.
 Jackson working on his apple core.
The finished apples!

I think this apple collage idea was also found on Pinterest.  I just cut up a bunch of red and green card stock into little squares and let them fill in the leaves and apple with them.  I didn't have any brown  card stock, but did have brown felt, so I used that for the stems!

One of the things we discussed for art, during our study, was street scenes.  There were several illustrations of street scenes in the story book, and the teacher's manual suggested we make our own street scene. We made our street scene out of paper bags and some adorable printables that I found on the Homeschool Share website!  This is how they turned out!!

 Jackson with the whole town!
 Market  and Hat Shop
Bakery and Sweet Shop

Book Store and Florist

Oh, and Alexis with the street scene too! ; )

 Jackson decided to use the Little People and animals as visual aids to show me, on the map, where each ingredient came from. 
Jackson posing in front of the map with his "visual aids".

Our map with disks that showed each country we visited throughout the story.

Here is Jack with one of his minibooks, that will be included in his lapbook.
This one was to show where Vermont is on the map.

He located Vermont and colored it in.

This math activity began to teach measurement.  Using the little apple squares he measured how many apples tall the trees were!

Measuring the trees.

This is another math activity that we did that taught even and odd numbers.  Jackson had an even apple tree and an odd apple tree.  He had to place the numbers/apples on the correct tree.

 We did a science experiment to demonstrate how evaporation works.  We boiled some water and poured in some salt. 

We boiled the water long enough to let the salt completely dissolve.
Unfortunately I did not get a picture of the finished experiment, but we put the salt water into a bowl and let it sit out to let all of the water evaporate.  We found that the salt was left behind in the bowl after the water evaporated!

We did another science experiment to demonstrate evaporation by wetting two washcloths.

We laid one out in the open air, and we put the other one sealed in a bag.  Then we came back to check the next morning to see which one was dryer.  The one that had laid out overnite was completely dry due to evaporation.

We also watched this a couple of times! ; )

 The Lord has been so good to our family, to allow us the blessing of being able to homeschool!  None of this is about me or what my kids can do.  It is all about Him and the grace he gives to us!!  I never want to give the impression that I am bragging on us. I only want to brag on HIM!!  I want to give Him "All of Me" (hence the name of the blog) so that in turn I will be able to give my best to my kiddos! All of the glory goes to Him!   Please keep us in your prayers as we continue our home school journey!!

Rain Forest Adventure Zoo Field Trip

Derick and I decided to take the kids on a field trip to the Rain Forest Adventure Zoo in Sevierville, as a last hoorah,to end our 1 week break that we took at the beginning of September.  We didn't know what to expect when we drove up to the parking lot, and we were the only customers there!  We ended up being very pleased though, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone passing through the Sevierville area!  We got our tickets on the Half off Depot website for super cheap!  So it was very worth our trip!!  Here are a few pics from our "adventure". : )

Jackson, Alexis, and Derick looking at some of the displays!

Lexie Lou posing in front of a display.  You can't see the animal, but Lex sure is cute! 

There were LOTS of snakes to see!


There was an outdoor petting zoo type of area!  

 Mountain Goats

There was a separate room where there were tons of birds flying around!

 Some of the birds.
 Huge lizard

More lemurs

Jackson and the porcupine!

Jackson and Daddy looking at one of the lizards!

Alexis checking out a lizard too!

Jackson smiling for the camera!

Sweet Alexis!

As you can see, there was lots to see and do at the Rain Forest Adventure Zoo!
We really enjoyed our field trip!